

I. Organizational Development:At TMSL we help organizations create outstanding result by driving organizational alignment, strategy, process and people thus equipping our clients with a unique competitive advantage.

We can assist your company with Retreat and strategy sessions, Personnel database management, Staff Induction and Reorientation Programmes, Employee survey, Salary survey, policy and procedure development etc.

We take this burden off management and ensure that companies spend less time attending to challenges that arise from managing its human capital.

II. Change Management:Change Management provides a structured approach to changes which allows organizations to discover change opportunities and better manage change initiatives. When utilized properly, our change management process runs through the Individual (People Centered Implementation) model which describes the six critical success factors:

1. Shared Change Purpose2. Effective Change Leadership3. Powerful Engagement Processes4. Committed Local Sponsors5. Strong Personal Connection6. Sustained Personal Performance

These must be managed to build commitment to change initiatives and create behavior change.

III. Performance Management:Performance measurement systems can serve as the critical link between your corporate strategy and the execution ability of your workforce in that it defines and clarifies the knowledge, skills and attitudes that lead to sustainable success.

Our Performance Management systems include:

• Planning Work and setting Expectations• Monitoring Performance Continually• Developing your capacity to perform• Periodical Performance rating• Managing Reward on Performance

Iv. Total Quality Management:TQM is a management philosophy that seeks to integrate all organizational functions (marketing, finance, design, engineering and production, customer service, etc.) to focus on meeting customer needs and organizational objectives.

Our TQM model recognizes the necessity to develop processes, how to retain current customers by understanding their needs and how to increase market share through effective market-mix delivery as well as driving management to improve organizational culture by ensuring right business processes are in place.

V. Staff Audit:Our audit process provides you with comprehensive assessment of your Total Work Force including and particularly the Human Resources department, to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of all HR related services including if and how your company is fulfilling the responsibilities associated with sound and regulatory compliant HR management procedures. Our process encompasses the following: Administration, Benefit, Employment, Employee, Compensation etc.

VI. Staff Outsourcing:Our Outsourcing Services are tailored to ensure that the most suitable candidates are selected for our clients. TMSL adopts a very objective and systems-driven methodology in ensuring that value is provided to the client and the employees throughout.

At TMSL we not only outsource candidates but we give you the best with exceptional skills. We manage complete HR activities for your organization thereby giving you room to concentrate on areas of core competence.

We outsource drivers, cleaners, domestic and administrative staff amongst others.

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