
PRODA was a creation of the defunct East Central State Government under Edict No. II of 1971. It was charged with the broad function of generating and catalyzing industrialization by carrying out industrial research from the laboratory stage to the pilot plant stage, and by rendering consultancy services to Governments, industry and individuals. It is, therefore, one of the oldest Research Institutes in the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology (FMST).

When in 1976, East Central State was split into Anambra and Imo States, The Federal Government recognized the need not to balkanize PRODA by the emerging states and hence took it over as a Federal Government Research Institute under Decree No.5 of 1977; still retaining its acronym ‘PRODA’ and motto; ‘Industrialization Through Self-Reliance. In 1980 with the creation of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, it became one of the Institutes.

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