
At Motion Fountain, we believe that African technology companies are as valuable and impactful as any other technology companies around the world.

Our goal, therefore, is to demonstrate to the world how innovative African tech companies are changing the lives of ordinary people for the better every day.

We accomplish this by producing beautifully animated videos that clarify products, explain services and help pitch new ideas.

Our story is first-hand proof of our belief that Africans too can do outstanding work if we decide to trust in ourselves.


Explainer videos: An explainer video is an animated video that focuses on explaining a business idea in a simple, engaging and compelling way, by using a clear and concise language with appealing and attractive visuals that quickly grab the viewer's attention.

Product demo videos: A product demo video is a visual proof which shows your audience your product’s practical functions. It also acts as a sales pitch enhancer and serves as a point of interaction between your product and its end-user.

Corporate social responsibility videos: Corporate social responsibility videos are a simple way for your brand to show its responsibility for its social and environmental business milieu.

Sensitization videos: These are ideal to impact, influence, create awareness and make your audience responsive and engaged in a cause your brand defends.

Project presentation videos: These are ideal to impact, influence, create awareness and make your audience responsive and engaged in a cause your brand defends.

Commercial Videos: Commercial videos promote your brand and push it out to an audience to raise awareness, acquire new leads and customers, and nurture existing ones and increase conversions and sales.

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