
Mcdonald Computers Limited is duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria with registration number: RC 703912. We started business in 1997 with a mission to become a foremost indigenous computer, digital and other related products and services provider without compromising godly values. We have a major business partnerships with renowned manufacturers, manufacturers representatives, and major dealers or distributors within and outside Nigeria. Through this online shop, we are building an ultimate online shopping experience, where buyers can get the best possible genuine products and right pricing. Our mission here, is to create Nigeria’s most reliable and friction-less e-commerce system that would offer life-changing experiences for buyers and sellers. We are fully stocked with Computers (Laptops, Desktops, All-In-One PC’s, Digital Cameras, CCTV Camera and devices, Computer and Camera Accessories, Inverter, and other related products to offer .You have come to the right place, for the right prices and we promise you the right products and an unmatched after sales support. So feel free to shop.

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