

Many people have lifted themselves to the zenith through fashion, vising from adverse situations into building a sustainable living which has affected their lives. So our aim is use this as a platform to impact a positive and sustainable social change in Kaduna and to Nigeria at large.


Kanga couture has goals such as:

- Nurturing fashion designers into a standard brand having an attractive packaging and finishing after all products have been made.

- We also want to use this as a platform to create job opportunities that is being employers of labor.

We want to empower 50/60 persons, we will be needing resources and enough availability for a standard fashion school. By so doing they learn under a confortable situation, help and listen the learning process.

They in turn will empower others and so the chain keeps moving.

- We also want to awaken the spirit of African Fashion in Nigeria at large. The African culture is gradually dying, so we hope with all support possible we will attain this.

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