
DEE ELECTRO H.S. Nigeria Limited (DEEHS). We are electrical contractors who put safety first. We guarantee our work and issue relevant certificates for all electrical works carried out in accordance with BS 7671 - IEE Wiring Regulations.

Our comprehensive services include electrical installation design, construction, inspection and testing for private residential units, commercial, educational, religious, hospitality industry, Electrical Audit, Portable Appliance Testing, electrical training & certification.

Company Directors and their Health & Safety representatives; Property Owners and Estate Agents are directly responsible in providing a safe electrical environment for employees, customers and the entire community.

To protect your liability and insurance; it is a requirement of IEE –BS 7671(Regulatory Body for Electrical Engineers Worldwide) that certificate must be issued to customers for all electrical installation work carried out; which is a safety declaration confirming that their work complies with IEE - BS 7671 standard.

Any electrical contractor constructing a new electrical installation must issue Electrical Installation Certificate.

Any electrical contractor altering or adding to an existing electrical installation must issue a Minor Work Electrical Certificate.

An electrical contractor reporting on the condition of an existing electrical installation must issue an Electrical Installation Condition Report detailing their findings and providing recommendations for any work that needs to be carried out.

DEEHS pride itself in providing electrical health and safety wherever there is possibility of electrical hazards that could result to fire, electric shock and loss of lives.

  • 11 Olumo Avenue, Amen Estate, Eleko Beach Road, Peninsula, Lekki, Lagos, Lagos, Lagos

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