
We are a duly registered Nigerian indigenous Property and real Estate firm, specialized in Property lease, sales and Facility management services, We also Prepare documents such as representation contracts, purchase agreements, closing statements, deeds and leases, Prepare sales or other contracts, before closing dates, Interview clients to determine what kinds of properties they are seeking, Gather customer or product information to determine customer needs. Coordinate property closings, overseeing signing of documents and disbursement of funds, Generate lists of properties that are compatible with buyers' needs and financial resources. Obtain property information. Contact property owners and advertise services to solicit property sales listings. Contact current or potential customers to promote products or services. Arrange for title searches to determine whether clients have clear property titles. Coordinate appointments to show homes to prospective buyers. Schedule appointments with prospective customers, Evaluate mortgage options to help clients obtain financing at the best prevailing rates and terms,Advise real estate clients...etc

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